Hi and welcome.
In honor of the newest Farming Simulator release in about a month, the whole wiki got a new look and feel.
- Navbar updated.
- Theme/colors got updated and image in the banner now. Looks great in both Light/Dark mode.
- Main page got updated with the newest videos and included more content other than just a few games.
- New format-layout for how articles operate.
How does the new format-layout work?
We moved away from the (Farming Simulator 'version') format.
Old: (Farming Simulator 'version')
New: /Farming Simulator 'version'
For example instead of using 'Horses (Farming Simulator 17)' it will be 'Horses/Farming Simulator 17'.
This format just created unneeded content in articles redirecting people to 'main pages', etc. With this new format, articles are now converted to sub-pages of the main article. The main article provides more in-depth information about the topic while the sub-page is detailed to that specific game. This will be easier for the general user to find an article by just putting in the version number of the game and getting redirected to that page.