For each product that you sell at the Biogas Plant, - Silage, Hay, Straw, Slurry or Manure, - a certain amount of Digestate, a useful by-product that can be used in-game as fertiliser, is produced.
In real life, digestate is very similar to in-game, - it is what is left after organic matter undergoes anaerobic decomposition, - the other product basically being biogas. It takes the form of a sludge, similar to slurry, with about 5% solids and 95% liquids.
It can be collected from its own pickup point at the Plant. Most if not all of the equipment that can store, transport and apply Slurry can also handle Digestate, but the application rate of Digestate is much higher than Liquid Fertilizer, - you need much more Digestate to fertilize the same area, but once it is applied, it will improve the yield to the same extent as any other fertilizer.
The amount of Digestate produced by the Plant varies, depending on the product being processed. By default (different mods and maps may vary this):
- For every 1000 litres of Silage, 400 litres of digestate is produced.
- For every 1000 litres of Grass or Hay, 200 litres of digestate is produced.
- For every 1000 litres of Manure, 400 litres of digestate is produced.
- For every 1000 litres of Slurry, 300 litres of digestate is produced.
The Biogas Plant can hold 800,000 litres (by default) of Digestate. Once it has reached this capacity, processing and payment still occurs, but the Digestate that would normally be produced is simply not produced, until some is removed by the player.