Farming Simulator Wiki
Farming Simulator Wiki

To get almost all tasks done in the game, the player needs equipment.


Tractors are capable of towing and operating nearly any type of equipment.

Main article: Tractors (Farming Simulator 17)

Front Loaders[]

Front Loaders are Tractors converted into Loaders. They can lift and arrange cargo, but are also still Tractors for all intents and purposes.

Main article: Front Loaders (Farming Simulator 17)

Front Loading Arms

Front Loader Tools

Front Loader / Telehandler Hybrids


Trucks are large, fast, powerful vehicles. They are used to quickly tow heavy cargo and machinery from one place to another.

Main article: Trucks (Farming Simulator 17)


Harvesters are vehicles that are capable of harvesting crops. These are specialized machines that perform functions that an ordinary Tractor cannot.

Main article: Harvesters (Farming Simulator 17)


Headers are the implements used by Harvesters to harvest crops. Each Header has different harvesting and working capabilities.

Main article: Headers (Farming Simulator 17)

Forage Harvesters[]

Forage Harvesters are used to process crops into non-crop materials, like Chaff or Wood Chips.

Main article: Forage Harvesters (Farming Simulator 17)

Forage Harvester Headers[]

These are headers used by Forage Harvesters. Each type of Forage Header performs a completely different action on your crops.

Main article: Forage Headers (Farming Simulator 17)

Pickup Headers

Universal Cutters

Corn Chaff Headers

Poplar Headers

Potato Harvesting[]

Potato Harvesting is a two stage process. First the tops are removed with a Haulm Topper. Next, a Harvester Trailer specifically designed for potatoes is used. Potato Combine Harvesters perform both of these operations in one pass.

Potato Haulm Toppers

Potato Harvester Trailers

Potato Combine Harvesters

Beet Harvesting[]

Beet Harvesting is a two stage process, similar to Potato Harvesting. First the tops are removed with a Haulm Topper. Next, a Harvester Trailer specifically designed for beets is used. Sugar Beet Combine Harvesters perform both of these operations in one pass.

Sugar Beet Haulm Toppers

Sugar Beet Harvester Trailers

Sugar Beet Combine Harvesters

Sugar Beet Harvesting Headers

Sugar Beet Collectors


Tippers are designed to transport crops and unload them quickly by tipping or tilting. Tippers are always loaded and pulled by other equipment.

Main article: Tippers (Farming Simulator 17)

Auger Wagons[]

Auger Wagons can load crops from one vehicle and unload them into another.

Main article: Auger Wagons (Farming Simulator 17)


Plows can be used to prepare a field for planting or sowing crops. However they are usually used only for creating new fields, expanding existing fields, or joining two fields together. Fields must be plowed if changing crops between those which use different types of seeders.

Main article: Plows (Farming Simulator 17)


Cultivators are used after harvesting to prepare a field for planting or sowing crops.

Main article: Cultivators (Farming Simulator 17)

Sowing Machines[]

Sowing Machines are used to seed cultivated fields.

Main article: Sowing Machines (Farming Simulator 17)


Sprayers spread liquid Fertilizer. These machines are topped up from the fertilizer dispenser in the farm square or at the Garden Center.

Main article: Fertilizer Sprayers (Farming Simulator 17)

Fertilizer Spreaders[]

Fertilizer Spreaders spread pelletized Fertilizer. Like sprayers, these machines are topped up from the fertilizer dispenser in the farm square or at the Garden Center.

Main article: Fertilizer Spreaders (Farming Simulator 17)
  • Kverneland Exacta EL 700
  • Bredal F2WS 4000
  • Bredal K165

Manure Spreaders[]

Manure Spreaders use solid Manure produced by Cows to fertilize a field.

Main article: Manure Spreaders (Farming Simulator 17)
  • Farmtech Superfex 800
  • Joskin Tornado 3
  • Strautmann PS 3401

Slurry Tanks[]

Slurry Tanks use liquid Manure produced by Cows to fertilize a field.

Main article: Slurry Tanks (Farming Simulator 17)
  • Kotte Garant VE 8000
  • Joskin Modulo 2
  • Zunhammer Gulle-Technik SKE 18.5 PUD
  • Zunhammer Gulle-Technik ZuniDisc
  • Veenhuis Premium Integral II
  • Kotte FRC
  • Kotte TSA 30000


Mowers cut Grass and leave it on the ground.

Main article: Mowers (Farming Simulator 17)


Tedders instantly turn cut Grass to Hay.

Main article: Tedders (Farming Simulator 17)


Windrowers form Grass, Hay, or Straw into a single line for easier baling or loading.

Main article: Windrowers (Farming Simulator 17)

Loading Wagons[]

Loading Wagons pick up cut Grass, Hay, or Straw.

Main article: Loading Wagons (Farming Simulator 17)

Baling Technologies[]

Balers pick up Hay or Straw to create Bales. Other machines collect Bales, and still others convert them to Silage.

Main article: Baling Technology (Farming Simulator 17)


Bale Trailers

Bale Collectors

Bale Wrappers


Handheld tools for cutting down Trees.

Main article: Chainsaws (Farming Simulator 17)

Forestry Equipment[]

Forestry involves Trees, i.e. cutting, transporting and re-planting them. The crops harvested from this activity are Logs and Wood Chips.

Main article: Forestry Equipment (Farming Simulator 17)

Tree Cutters

Stump Grinders

Tree Planters

Log Transports

Tree Harvesters

Wood Chippers

Wheel Loaders[]

Wheel Loaders are used to stack and load various goods. They are the most powerful loading vehicles available, and can carry huge quantities of material.

Main article: Wheel Loaders (Farming Simulator 17)

Wheel Loaders

Wheel Loader Tools


Telehandlers are used to stack and load various goods. They have smaller carrying capabilities and less power than Wheel Loaders, but are smaller and more maneuverable.

Main article: Telehandlers (Farming Simulator 17)


Telehandler Tools

Skid Steer Loaders[]

Skid Steer Loaders are used to stack and load various goods. They are smaller and more maneuverable than other Loaders, but have the least power and load capacity when compared to those vehicles.

Main article: Skid Steer Loaders (Farming Simulator 17)

Skid Steer Loaders

Skid Steer Loader Tools


Equipment used to transport, feed, and provide Water to animals.

Main article: Animals (Farming Simulator 17)

Water Tankers

Animal Transports

Straw Blowers

Mixer Wagons


Levelers are used to move Chaff and Silage and level heaps in bunker silos.


Equipment that cannot be classified under any of the other categories; respectively, a Grass roller and a mobile Fuel tank.


The Dolly is used to connect a Fifth Wheel Semi Trailer to a Tractor with a Ball Hitch.

Low Loaders[]

These trailers can be used by Trucks to transport vehicles. They can also attach to a Dolly.

Header Trailers[]

Header Trailers can transport Headers safely on the road.


Small vehicles used to travel swiftly. They can carry Pallets as well.


Main article: Weights/Farming Simulator 17

Used to counter balance the weight of attached tools. Can also be used to connect a tool to a 3-Point tractor hitch.


Portable units that contain useful materials. They can be transported by a Loader and carried by a Car, or an appropriate Trailer.

Belt Systems[]

Conveyor belts are an alternative way to load Trailers.


Objects and buildings. Some provide income at varying amounts; others store materials, and still others are merely for decorative purposes. Trees round out this category.
