Farming Simulator Wiki

Pöttinger Mex 6 is the earliest tool for those who seek to produce silage for their cows or for selling it at the biogas plant.


  • Always keep an eye on your tipper's fill level because the harvester doesn't automatically stop once you're full.

Note: You cannot hire a worker for this harvester whether harvesting alone or not. Remember to turn the harvester off once the tipper is full. Otherwise, it will continue destroying the crop you are chaffing without producing any chaff.


Working width: 2 m

Maintenance: 50 $ / day

Usage: Chopping maize to chaff

Price: 48,900 $

Sell: 24,450 $

Pöttinger Mex 6 flywheel harvester offers optimum technology for farmers who want to harvest their own silage maize
