Pigs are animals that can produce manure for famers in the Farming Simulator series.
Pigs are the easiest to breed and are recommended as your first animals.
An optimal starting number of pigs is 30 heads. Your starting fields allows you to provide them food without having any pauses in production. You earn money by selling pigs that are generated every 1:30-2:00 minutes. Each subsequent pig reduces this time by 2 seconds. To sell the pigs you will need a animal transport wagon.
When you give your pigs straw made from wheat they provide you with manure but this has no impact on their production rate. Pigs consume corn and/or canola to reproduce - if you don't give them one of the two types of food they will lower their reproduction by a half. The storage facility increaces the more pigs you have. They also consume faster and produce manure faster.