Prices of the game, excluding machinery, consumables and fields, depend on selected difficulty level. Most numbers on this page are base prices. In game, all of them will vary to some degree depending on selling place and market situation.
Easy ($ / 1000 l) | Normal ($ / 1000 l) | Hard ($ / 1000 l) | |
Wheat | 1160 | 580 | 290 |
Barley | 1280 | 640 | 320 |
Canola | 2240 | 1120 | 560 |
Corn | 1040 | 520 | 260 |
Potato | 800 | 400 | 200 |
Sugar Beet | 880 | 440 | 220 |
Straw | 160 | 80 | 40 |
Hay | 200 | 100 | 50 |
Grass | 680 | 340 | 170 |
Chaff | 840 | 420 | 210 |
Silage* | 3200 | 1600 | 800 |
Note: these are the base prices. In game, they will be changing constantly depending on supply and demand.
- See the Biogas plant article for additional details about silage prices.
Prices change over time based on supply and demand. After selling a type of grain its price goes down and the others go up.
Fields cost about $45,000 per hectare (with small variations, see the Fields article for individual price and size of each field) at any difficulty.
- Seeds $600 / 1000 l
- Fertilizers $300 / 1000 l
- Water (can also be refilled for free at any river) $1 / l
- Fuel $1 / l
Animal Products[]
Easy ($) | Normal ($) | Hard ($) | |
Eggs (per egg) | 22.8 | 11.4 | 5.7 |
Milk (per 1000 litres) | 1600 | 800 | 400 |
Wool (per full pallet)* | 9600 | 4800 | 2400 |
- one full pallet is 2000 units of wool.