Farming Simulator Wiki
Farming sim2013-17

Sheep pasture of Hagenstedt map

Sheep is the one of three types of animal that appear in Farming Simulator 2013. When purchased, they automatically appear in a special grassy field of your map. Sheep are relatively easy to maintain, because unlike cows, they only need to be fed grass. Once their feed bin is full it will last for six days. You may buy as many sheep as you want, the more sheep you buy the faster they will produce wool. Be aware that after a certain number, more sheep will not appear on their meadow, but they still contribute to the production of wool.

Price and Maintenance[]

One sheep will cost you 200 $ and will also require 1.60 $ per day for maintenance.

Production Rates[]

One sheep produces 24 units of wool per day while consuming 20 liters of grass.


Mow some grass with a mower, then transport and unload it with a loading wagon into the feed bin in the front of the sheep area.

Wool Production[]

Wool will accumulate over time depending on how many sheep you own. The wool will appear on pallets to the right of the field with the sheep in it; a full pallet of wool will have six blocks of wool on it. To check how close a pallet is to being full, press "i" till you get to your statistics page, press "9" till it says wool, and look at the percentage. Once the pallet is full, it should be taken out of the marked area in order to make space for a new pallet to appear as sheep produce more wool. Not moving the pallet off the marked area in time will cause sheep to waste their wool.

Selling Wool[]

Main article: Prices (Farming Simulator 2013)

To sell wool you must transport it to spinnery (see the Maps article for exact location) which is the yarn-shaped icon on the map, which is a ways down the road. You can either use a front loader with a pallet fork to drive all the way there, or load the pallets onto a trailer and drive it over the wool sale spot. Wool sells for different amounts depending on how full the pallet is. A full pallet of wool sells for 9600 $ on easy, 4800 $ on normal and 2400 $ on hard difficulty.
