Farming Simulator Wiki

Silage silo at the cattle pasture

Silage is a fermented fodder made with chaff or mowed grass. It can be fed directly to cows or mixed with hay and straw (optionally) to produce Total Mixed Ration, which is necessary to achieve 100% productivity in the cows.

Tip: The fermenting silage silo is located next to the cow pasture. More and bigger silos can be found at the biogas plant but the unmodded game has no means of transporting silage other than carrying it around with your front loader.

Filling Silos[]

The first step to creating silage is collecting grass or chaff.

A less expensive way to create silage is using grass. Using mower equipment and a loading wagon, the grass can be dumped into the silo. This is not the fastest method, as the forage wagon has a narrow working width.

A faster way involves the Krone Big X 1000 Forage Harvester. The direct cutting system header can be used to cut and collect grass and grain crops while the forage header can be used for chaffing corn which is the preffered way of making chaff. The harvested chaff can be dumped into the silo. This method requires a large investment of equipment, but the wider working widths make it very fast.

Creating Silage[]

When the silage silo is at least 10% full, you can begin to compact it by driving on top of it with a tractor. Once it's 100% compacted, you'll have the option to blanket the silo which begins the fermentation process. The resulting product is silage.

Using Silage[]

Main article: Cows (Farming Simulator 2013)#Total_Mixed_Ration

Using a silage fork and a front loader, you can put the silage into a mixer wagon to distribute in the cow's trough. You can also dump your silage in the cows trough with your front loader directly. Silage is also a component of Total Mixed Ration (TMR), which is a mixture of hay, silage and straw (optionally). Feeding cows with TMR is necessary to achieve 100% productivity.

Selling Silage[]

Main article: Biogas Plant (Farming Simulator 2013)
Main article: Prices (Farming Simulator 2013)

Silage can also be sold at the biogas plant which is the one of the best sources of income in the game.

Transporting Silage[]

As briefly mentioned above, it is impossible to load any of the official trailers with silage. You will have to manually download and install any suitable mod trailer that can be filled with silage.
