Farming Simulator Wiki


As in previous iterations of Farming Simulator, straw is left behind by a combine harvester (provided it is on 'Create straw swaths' mode) should the harvester harvest a cereal crop (wheat, barley and oat). It should be noted that barley will produce the most straw and oat the least. Straw can be picked up loose by forage wagons, scoops, or forage harvesters equipped with the right header, or can be pressed into bales through the use of a baler. Using the Krone BigM 450 or other mowers on a field of cereal crop will also leave straw behind. Once it is collected, straw can be either sold or used as bedding for animals, which creates manure. Straw is one of the three ingredients, along with Silage and Hay, needed to create Total Mixed Ration (TMR).
